An excellent turnout of hamsters: 213 Syrian and 74 Dwarfs sorted by Andrew Brian (SH) Emma Nesbit (LH), Tim Groves (Dwarf) and Melissa Chamberlain who did the Non-Standard Syrian.
To the book and pen stewards, Peter and Sarah Charmley in the kitchen and all on Sales - you did a grand job - many thanks - you keep the show running!
Congratulations to the winners, Melissa did the "double" taking B.I.S. Syrian SH and Dwarf. Helen Cherrington must have been over the moon to win B.I.S. Junior and overall B.I.S. LH - well done!
Carol Roberts judged the entry of 21 pets (always a hard task) - the winner was Ellan Kemp.
Judge (SH Syrian) - Mr A Bryan
. GOLDEN(20) CREAM(15) AOC MALE(13) 1. Hedgehog Hams J.Tye & C.Leat Aleppo Hamstery 2. Somershire Hams Star War Hams Black Country 3. Blackberry Stud Blackberry Stud Black Country R. J.Tye & C.Leat Aleppo Hamstery Blackberry Stud VHC J.Tye & C.Leat Blackberry Stud J.Tye & C.Leat HC J.Tye & C.Leat Blackberry Stud Aleppo Hamstery C Humbug Hams P.Gill Greenfield Hams . AOC FEMALE(20) PATTERNED(11) SATIN(17) 1. Humbug Hams Black Country Wellington Hams 2. Aleppo Hamstery J.Tye & C.Leat Black Country 3. Humbug Hams Greenfield Hams Valentine Hams R. Humbug Hams P.Gill J.Tye & C.Leat VHC Greenfield Hams Netherwood Hams Aleppo Hamstery HC Black Country Netherwood Hams Netherwood Hams C Aleppo Hamstery Netherwood Hams Humbug Hams . JUNIOR(4) NOVICE(4) INTERMEDIATE(3) 1. G.Brooks G.Brooks Somershire Hams 2. G.Brooks G.Brooks Buttercup Hams 3. Buttercup Hams G.Brooks C.Hanby R. G.Brooks S.Brooks - . BREEDER(51) YOUNG STOCK(16) FMC(43) 1. Wellington Hams Wellington Hams Hedgehog Hams 2. Hedgehog Hams Star War Hams Humbug Hams 3. Humbug Hams Blackberry Stud Black Country R. Black Country S.Brooks Valentine Hams VHC J.Tye & C.Leat Blackberry Stud Humbug Hams HC Humbug Hams Blackberry Stud Somershire Hams C Blackberry Stud Wellington Hams Humbug Hams . G.CHALLENGE(92) PETS(21) . 1. Wellington Hams E.Kemp . 2. Hedgehog Hams E.Ray . 3. Humbug Hams E.Ray . R. Blackberry Stud E.Ray . VHC J.Tye & C.Leat J.Pearce . HC Star War Hams Munster Molloy Hams . C Valentine Hams Munster Molloy Hams . . B.I.S. JUNIOR G.Brooks . . BEST SH MALE Hedgehog Hams . . BEST SH FEMALE Wellington Hams . . B.I.S. Wellington Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. Hedgehog Hams . . WHITE(5) CREAM(25) AOC MALE(20) 1. Towy Vale H.Cherrington Somershire Hams 2. Aleppo Hamstery P.Gill Hedgehog Hams 3. Valentine Hams Towy Vale Blackberry Stud R. Netherwood Hams Wellington Hams P.Gill VHC Valentine Hams Star War Hams Star War Hams HC - Towy Vale Towy Vale C - Minx Hams H.Cherrington . AOC FEMALE(24) PATTERNED(11) SATIN(14) 1. Tinkerwood Hams Towy Vale Netherwood Hams 2. P.&.J.Gill H.Scott Wellington Hams 3. Tinkerwood Hams Hedgehog Hams Star War Hams R. Star War Hams Duncton Hams H.Scott VHC Blackberry Stud Minx Hams Valentine Hams HC Towy Vale Towy Vale Aleppo Hamstery C H.Scott J.Tye & C.Leat Minx Hams . JUNIOR(12) NOVICE(17) INTERMEDIATE(6) 1. H.Cherrington H.Cherrington Tinkerwood Hams 2. P.&.J.Gill G.Brooks Tinkerwood Hams 3. G.Brooks G.Brooks Somershire Hams R. G.Brooks H.Cherrington Tinkerwood Hams VHC H.Cherrington H.Cherrington Somershire Hams HC H.Cherrington D.Brooks Somershire Hams C G.Brooks G.Brooks - . BREEDER(47) YOUNG STOCK(19) FMC(62) 1. P.Gill Wellington Hams H.Cherrington 2. Towy Vale Minx Hams P.&.J.Gill 3. Star War Hams Netherwood Hams P.Gill R. Towy Vale Blackberry Stud Towy Vale VHC Minx Hams Star War Hams Towy Vale HC J.Tye & C.Leat Star War Hams G.Brooks C Towy Vale Blackberry Stud Somershire Hams . G.CHALLENGE(94) NON-STANDARD(20) . 1. H.Cherrington Humbug Hams . 2. P.&.J.Gill H.Scott . 3. P.Gill Valentine Hams . R. Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams . VHC Wellington Hams Towy Vale . HC Star War Hams Greenfield Hams . C Towy Vale Greenfield Hams . . B.I.S. JUNIOR H.Cherrington . . B.O.S. JUNIOR G.Brooks . . BEST LH MALE J.Tye & C.Leat . . BEST LH FEMALE H.Cherrington . . B.I.S. H.Cherrington . . RESERVE B.I.S. Tinkerwood Hams . . CAMPBELL(25) WINTER WHITE(13) CHINESE(17) 1. Wellington Hams Somershire Hams Somershire Hams 2. Wellington Hams Wellington Hams Buttercup Hams 3. Wellington Hams Wellington Hams Black Country R. Greenfield Hams J.Tye & C.Leat H.Scott VHC Wellington Hams Farthing Hams Somershire Hams HC Buttercup Hams Wellington Hams C.Hanby C Wellington Hams Farthing Hams Somershire Hams . NON0STANDARD(19) JUNIOR(4) NOVICE(1) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat Buttercup Hams H.Cherrington 2. J.Tye & C.Leat H.Cherrington - 3. J.Tye & C.Leat Buttercup Hams - R. Greenfield Hams Buttercup Hams - VHC J.Tye & C.Leat - - HC Duncton Hams - - C Wellington Hams - - . INTERMEDIATE(13) BREEDER(28) FMC(34) 1. Somershire Hams Wellington Hams Wellington Hams 2. Buttercup Hams Wellington Hams Wellington Hams 3. Somershire Hams Wellington Hams Wellington Hams R. Somershire Hams Greenfield Hams Somershire Hams VHC Buttercup Hams Wellington Hams Wellington Hams HC Somershire Hams Wellington Hams Wellington Hams C C.Hanby Wellington Hams Wellington Hams . G.CHALLENGE(52) . . 1. Wellington Hams . . 2. Wellington Hams . . 3. Wellington Hams . . R. Somershire Hams . . VHC Greenfield Hams . . HC Wellington Hams . . C Buttercup Hams . . . B.I.S. JUNIOR Buttercup Hams . . B.O.S. JUNIOR Buttercup Hams . . B.I.S. Wellington Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. Wellington Hams .
More 2000 Hamster Show Results