After a slow start with regard to entries at the beginning part of the week, I was glad that the closing date brought a fair sized show - 58 Dwarfs and 137 Syrians in all. That along with 8 pets gave judges a good days work.
I would like to thank both judges and everyone else who helped in any way - especially Elaine who helped out with all the paperwork. As the saying goes "many hands make light work".
As I don't get to too many shows now it was lovely to meet old and new members alike who contributed to a good day - except for the cold!! P.S. Thanks to Albert for the great jokes he kept us merry with throughout the day.
Judge (Syrian) - Mr A Bryan
. SH GOLDEN(14) SH CREAM(6) SH AOC MALE(6) 1. Black Country Blackberry Stud Blackberry Stud 2. Black Country Blackberry Stud Greenfield Hams 3. Humbug Hams Star War Hams Valentine Hams R. Minx Hams Black Country Blackberry Stud VHC Blackberry Stud Star War Hams Black Country HC Black Country Blackberry Stud G.Brooks C Buttercup Hams - - . SH AOC FEMALE(13) SH PATTERNED(3) SH SATIN(9) 1. Humbug Hams Greenfield Hams Wellington Hams 2. Blackberry Stud Black Country Star War Hams 3. H.Scott Black Country Star War Hams R. Valentine Hams - Black Country VHC Blackberry Stud - H.Scott HC Humbug Hams - Wellington Hams C Valentine Hams - D.Brooks . LH WHITE(6) LH CREAM(15) LH AOC MALE(17) 1. Towy Vale Minx Hams G.Brooks 2. Valentine Hams G.Brooks Star War Hams 3. Greenfield Hams Star War Hams Towy Vale R. Valentine Hams Wellington Hams Hedgehog Hams VHC Towy Vale C.Coomber Greenfield Hams HC Blackberry Stud Star War Hams Blackberry Stud C - H.Cherrington Humbug Hams . LH AOC FEMALE(17) LH PATTERNED(10) LH SATIN(12) 1. Star War Hams Towy Vale Wellington Hams 2. Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale Star War Hams 3. Blackberry Stud Munster Molloy Hams Black Country R. H.Scott Hedgehog Hams Valentine Hams VHC Hamper Hams Minx Hams Hamper Hams HC Hamper Hams Hamper Hams Minx Hams C Buttercup Hams H.Cherrington C.Coomber . JUNIOR(26) NOVICE(17) INTERMEDIATE(9) 1. G.Brooks G.Brooks Buttercup Hams 2. G.Brooks G.Brooks Buttercup Hams 3. Buttercup Hams C.Coomber Munster Molloy Hams R. C.Coomber S.Brooks Munster Molloy Hams VHC Buttercup Hams H.Cherrington Buttercup Hams HC Munster Molloy Hams D.Brooks Buttercup Hams C H.Cherrington C.Coomber Buttercup Hams . BREEDER(58) YOUNG STOCK(18) FMC(83) 1. Black Country Wellington Hams Black Country 2. Wellington Hams Towy Vale Towy Vale 3. Wellington Hams Valentine Hams Towy Vale R. Towy Vale Blackberry Stud Black Country VHC Towy Vale Blackberry Stud Star War Hams HC Black Country Blackberry Stud Humbug Hams C Blackberry Stud Blackberry Stud Star War Hams . G.CHALLENGE(121) NON-STANDARD(14) PETS(8) 1. Black Country Hamper Hams E.Kemp 2. Wellington Hams Humbug Hams R.Williams 3. Wellington Hams Wellington Hams M.Kemp R. Towy Vale Valentine Hams C.&.M.Wesson VHC Towy Vale Greenfield Hams D.Brooks HC Black Country Humbug Hams S.Webster C Star War Hams H.Scott H.Cherrington C - - Mr Parry . B.I.S. JUNIOR G.Brooks . . B.O.S. JUNIOR C.Coomber . . BEST SH MALE Black Country . . BEST SH FEMALE Wellington Hams . . BEST LH MALE Wellington Hams . . BEST LH FEMALE Towy Vale . . B.I.S. Black Country . . RESERVE B.I.S. Wellington Hams .
Judge (Dwarf) - Mrs S
. CAMPBELL(22) WINTER WHITE(5) CHINESE(10) 1. Hamper Hams Wellington Hams Hamper Hams 2. Greenfield Hams Duncton Hams T.Stokes 3. Buttercup Hams Duncton Hams Hamper Hams R. Wellington Hams Hamper Hams Star War Hams VHC Wellington Hams Wellington Hams Star War Hams HC Wellington Hams - Star War Hams C Wellington Hams - Star War Hams . NON-STANDARD(20) JUNIOR(3) NOVICE(1) 1. Hamper Hams Buttercup Hams H.Cherrington 2. Duncton Hams H.Cherrington - 3. H.Scott Buttercup Hams - R. Hamper Hams - - VHC H.Scott - - HC H.Scott - - C Duncton Hams - - . INTERMEDIATE(4) BREEDER(29) FMC(37) 1. Buttercup Hams Hamper Hams Hamper Hams 2. T.Stokes Greenfield Hams Buttercup Hams 3. Buttercup Hams Wellington Hams Wellington Hams R. T.Stokes Wellington Hams Wellington Hams VHC - Wellington Hams Wellington Hams HC - Wellington Hams Wellington Hams C - Hamper Hams Hamper Hams . G.CHALLENGE(37) . . 1. Hamper Hams . . 2. Greenfield Hams . . 3. Buttercup Hams . . R. Wellington Hams . . VHC Wellington Hams . . HC Wellington Hams . . C Wellington Hams . . . B.I.S. JUNIOR Buttercup Hams . . B.O.S. JUNIOR Buttercup Hams . . B.I.S. Hamper Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. Greenfield Hams .
More 2000 Hamster Show Results