My first attempt at show secretary went quite well, at least I think so. I would like to thank Rosie for the able assistance she gave me and moral support.
Unfortunately this was not a big show, I think the number of shows per month is starting to have its effect on people. Even with the low numbers the show was a successful and happy one.
Thanks to the judges, book stewards and pen stewards. The sales staff and the kitchen lady, better not forget her (Chris) or else she may not do it again. Thanks also to everyone for helping with the hall cleaning prior to the presentation. It makes a big difference if this job is not left to just a few.
Finally, congratulations to all winners.
Judge (Syrian) - Ms J Tye
. SH GOLDEN(2) SH CREAM(2) SH AOC MALE(3) 1. Hedgehog Hams Somershire Hams Towy Vale 2. Hedgehog Hams Somershire Hams J.Smith 3. - - E.Ray R. - - - . SH AOC FEMALE(5) SH SATIN(5) SH PATTERNED(3) 1. Somershire Hams J.Smith S.Carter & M.Harris 2. J.Smith S.Carter & M.Harris Hedgehog Hams 3. Tinkerwood Hams Towy Vale Towy Vale R. S.Carter & M.Harris S.Carter & M.Harris - VHC Towy Vale S.Carter & M.Harris - HC - - - C - - - . LH CREAM(6) LH SELF(6) LH AOC MALE(3) 1. Towy Vale E.Ray Hedgehog Hams 2. Tinkerwood Hams Towy Vale Somershire Hams 3. Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams R. Towy Vale Towy Vale - VHC S.Carter & M.Harris S.Carter & M.Harris - HC S.Carter & M.Harris Towy Vale - C - - - . LH AOC FEMALE(6) LH SATIN(2) LH PATTERNED(4) 1. Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams 2. Somershire Hams Somershire Hams Hedgehog Hams 3. J.Smith - Towy Vale R. Towy Vale - S.Carter & M.Harris VHC Towy Vale - - HC S.Carter & M.Harris - - C - - - . JUNIOR MALE(2) INTERMEDIATE(14) YOUNG STOCK(6) 1. E.Ray E.Ray Hedgehog Hams 2. E.Ray S.Carter & M.Harris S.Carter & M.Harris 3. - S.Carter & M.Harris S.Carter & M.Harris R. - S.Carter & M.Harris S.Carter & M.Harris VHC - S.Carter & M.Harris E.Ray HC - S.Carter & M.Harris S.Carter & M.Harris C - S.Carter & M.Harris . BREEDER(29) G.CHALLENGE(45) NON-STANDARD((3) 1. Somershire Hams Somershire Hams Hedgehog Hams 2. Towy Vale Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 3. Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams Tinkerwood Hams R. Somershire Hams Somershire Hams - VHC Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams - HC Somershire Hams E.Ray - C Hedgehog Hams Somershire Hams - . PETS MALE PETS FEMALE PETS DWARF 1. J.Rowe L.Ilic D.Cooper 2. K.Iles C.Holden - 3. D.Almy Class 2JV - R. Class 2JV Class 1CT - VHC H.Baker E.Ilic - HC - L.Holden - C - P.Stevens - . BEST PET L.Ilic . . B.I.S. Somershire Hams . . B.O.S. E.Ray . . CAMPBELL(13) WINTER WHITE(16) CHINESE(5) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Rowe 2. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Rowe 3. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Valentine Hams R. F.A.B.Hams J.Tye & C.Leat J.Rowe VHC F.A.B.Hams J.Tye & C.Leat Valentine Hams HC J.Tye & C.Leat Valentine Hams - C F.A.B.Hams J.Tye & C.Leat - . JUNIOR(3) INTERMEDIATE(3) BREEDER(26) 1. J.Rowe J.Rowe J.Tye & C.Leat 2. J.Rowe J.Rowe J.Tye & C.Leat 3. J.Rowe J.Rowe J.Tye & C.Leat R. - - J.Tye & C.Leat VHC - - J.Tye & C.Leat HC - - J.Tye & C.Leat C - - J.Tye & C.Leat . G.CHALLENGE(35) NON-STANDARD(6) . 1. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat . 2. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat . 3. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat . R. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat . VHC J.Tye & C.Leat Valentine Hams . HC F.A.B.Hams Valentine Hams . C J.Tye & C.Leat - . . B.I.S. J.Tye & C.Leat . . B.O.S. J.Tye & C.Leat .