A busier show than I think most people expected. A long but productive AGM meeting with lots of changes in job rolls for many people. Very well done goes out to Sarah Charmley for stepping in at the last minute to judge the Dwarfs. Sarah I don't envy you in judging 32 Winter Whites!
Well done also to Tim for running the crèche (and the heating) for the day!
Judge (Syrian) - Mrs M Chamberlain
. SH GOLDEN(9) SH CREAM(10) SH AOC MALE(4) 1. Black Country Star War Hams Star War Hams 2. Gail Brooks J.Tye & C.Leat F.A.B. Hams 3. Star War Hams Somershire Hams Star War Hams R. Black Country Somershire Hams D.Brooks VHC Hedgehog Hams Star War Hams - HC Black Country J.Tye & C.Leat - C F.A.B. Hams Star War Hams - . SH AOC FEMALE(12) SH PATTERNED(14) SH SATIN(6) 1. Netherwood Hams Star War Hams J.Tye & C.Leat 2. J.Tye & C.Leat Star War Hams C.Hunt 3. S.Brooks J.Tye & C.Leat S.Carter & M.Harris R. F.A.B. Hams Hannah's Hams Minx Hams VHC Somershire Hams P.Gill Gail Brooks HC Star War Hams A.Hey S.Carter & M.Harris C Gwyneth Brooks Netherwood Hams - . LH WHITE(4) LH CREAM(19) LH AOC MALE(10) 1. Towy Vale Duncton Hams Star War Hams 2. Towy Vale Star War Hams Netherwood Hams 3. Gail Brooks J.Tye & C.Leat Hedgehog Hams R. Valentine Hams P.Gill Netherwood Hams VHC - J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat HC - J.Tye & C.Leat Somershire Hams C - P.Gill Gail Brooks . LH AOC FEMALE(9) LH PATTERNED(14) LH SATIN(8) 1. Towy Vale J.Tye & C.Leat Star War Hams 2. Somershire Hams Black Country Netherwood Hams 3. Hedgehog Hams Hannah's Hams Somershire Hams R. Minx Hams Hedgehog Hams Hamper Hams VHC Hamper Hams Valentine Hams C.Hunt HC J.Tye & C.Leat Black Country Hannah's Hams C Minx Hams Hedgehog Hams J.Rowe . JUNIOR(5) NOVICE(1) INTERMEDIATE(14) 1. C.Hunt A.Hey S.Carter & M.Harris 2. C.Hunt - S.Carter & M.Harris 3. C.Hunt - S.Carter & M.Harris R. C.Hunt - S.Carter & M.Harris VHC J.Rowe - S.Carter & M.Harris HC - - S.Carter & M.Harris C - - S.Carter & M.Harris . BREEDER(72) YOUNG STOCK(23) FMC(89) 1. Star War Hams Duncton Hams Duncton Hams 2. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Star War Hams 3. Star War Hams Netherwood Hams J.Tye & C.Leat R. Star War Hams Star War Hams Star War Hams VHC Netherwood Hams Star War Hams Star War Hams HC P.Gill Hannah's Hams J.Tye & C.Leat C P.Gill Hedgehog Hams J.Tye & C.Leat . G.CHALLENGE(114) NON-STANDARD(7) . 1. Duncton Hams Hannah's Hams . 2. Star War Hams Star War Hams . 3. J.Tye & C.Leat Hannah's Hams . R. Hamper Hams S.Carter & M.Harris . VHC Star War Hams M.Nicholson . HC Netherwood Hams S.Carter & M.Harris . C P.Gill Gail Brooks . . B.I.S. JUNIOR C.Hunt . . B.O.S. JUNIOR C.Hunt . . BEST SH MALE Star War Hams . . BEST SH FEMALE Netherwood Hams . . BEST LH MALE Star War Hams . . BEST LH FEMALE Duncton Hams . . B.I.S. Duncton Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. Star War Hams . . CAMPBELL(16) WINTER WHITE(31) CHINESE(19) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Somershire Hams 2. J.Tye & C.Leat Somershire Hams Somershire Hams 3. J.Tye & C.Leat Wellington Hams Valentine Hams R. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Somershire Hams VHC F.A.B. Hams Wellington Hams Valentine Hams HC Hamper Hams Netherwood Hams Duncton Hams C J.Tye & C.Leat Wellington Hams Duncton Hams . NON-STANDARD(16) JUNIOR (4) INTERMEDIATE(4) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Rowe J.Rowe 2. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Rowe J.Rowe 3. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Rowe J.Rowe R. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Rowe J.Rowe VHC J.Tye & C.Leat - - HC J.Tye & C.Leat - - C Valentine Hams - - . BREEDER(?) FMC(?) G.CHALLENGE(?) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat 2. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat 3. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat R. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat VHC Wellington Hams Wellington Hams Somershire Hams HC J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Wellington Hams C J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat . B.I.S. JUNIOR J.Rowe . . B.O.S. JUNIOR J.Rowe . . B.I.S. J.Tye & C.Leat . . RESERVE B.I.S. J.Tye & C.Leat .