This was a new venue in York this year, as our normal venue burnt down last November. I do not think we left the cooker on! First we have to say thank you to Mick Turnidge for judging the Syrians, Margaret Turnidge for book stewarding, Sarah and Georgina Colpman doing a great job pen stewarding, Sue Kilburn from judging the pets which was quite a good turn out, Pat Richardson for keeping all the troops fed with the delicious food. I would also like to thank Julie Glover and Joyce Rowe who mucked in. congratulations go to Frazer Avill for passing his judging in Dwarfs and thanks for judging today and my good lady wife Sandra for book stewarding. Congratulations to all the class winners in the Syrian and Dwarf classes, congratulations to Blade Hams for BIS and BOS Syrians. Well done to Joshua Rowe for winning BIS Junior and BOS Junior Syrians. Dee Jay Hams won BIS, BOS, BIS Junior and BOS Junior in the Dwarfs. I would like to thank Sharon Craft fpr donating all the trophies. Hope to see everyone at the Christmas show.
Judge (Syrian) - Mr M Turnidge
. SH GOLDEN(10) SH CREAM(12) SH YELLOW(7) 1. Flattop Blade Hams F.A.B. Hams 2. Flattop White Rose Hams F.A.B. Hams 3. S.Colpman Blade Hams Flattop R. S.Colpman Flattop Flattop . SH CINNAMON(5) SH WHITE(4) SH PATTERNED(3) 1. White Rose Hams Flattop Blade Hams 2. White Rose Hams Flattop White Rose Hams 3. White Rose Hams White Rose Hams F.A.B. Hams R. Flattop Blade Hams - . SH AOC (2) SH SATIN(?) LH WHITE(3) 1. Flattop Flattop Flattop 2. Blade Hams White Rose Hams Flattop 3. - Blade Hams Blade Hams R. - S.Colpman - . LH CREAM(?) LH PATTERNED(1) LH AOC(3) 1. White Rose Hams Blade Hams White Rose Hams 2. White Rose Hams - White Rose Hams 3. White Rose Hams - S.Colpman R. Flattop - - . LH SATIN(3) INTERMEDIATE(?) FMC(25) 1. Flattop S.Colpman Blade Hams 2. Flattop S.Colpman White Rose Hams 3. J.Rowe S.Colpman White Rose Hams R. - S.Colpman Blade Hams . BREEDER(37) NON-STANDARD(4) G.CHALLENGE(59) 1. Blade Hams Flattop Blade Hams 2. White Rose Hams White Rose Hams White Rose Hams 3. White Rose Hams Blade Hams White Rose Hams R. Flattop Blade Hams Flattop . JUNIOR(3) . . 1. J.Rowe . . 2. J.Rowe . . 3. J.Rowe . . . B.I.S. JUNIOR J.Rowe . . B.O.S. JUNIOR J.Rowe . . B.I.S. Blade Hams . . B.O.S. Blade Hams . . CHINESE(6) WINTER WHITE(3) CAMBELL(4) 1. J.Rowe Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams 2. J.Rowe F.A.B. Hams Dee Jay Hams 3. Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams R. Dee Jay Hams - Dee Jay Hams . CAMPBELL ALB(3) JUNIOR(?) INTERMEDIATE(?) 1. F.A.B. Hams Dee Jay Hams J.Rowe 2. F.A.B. Hams Dee Jay Hams J.Rowe 3. F.A.B. Hams Dee Jay Hams J.Rowe R. - Dee Jay Hams J.Rowe . FMC(?) BREEDER(?) G.CHALLENGE(?) 1. Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams 2. Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams 3. F.A.B. Hams J.Rowe F.A.B. Hams R. F.A.B. Hams J.Rowe F.A.B. Hams . B.I.S. JUNIOR Dee Jay Hams . . B.O.S. JUNIOR Dee Jay Hams . . B.I.S. Dee Jay Hams . . B.O.S. Dee Jay Hams .