A very busy Show! I am glad I managed to write all the prize cards before hand, otherwise I would have been in trouble. 112 Syrians, 42 Dwarfs and 37 Pet entries kept all our Judges well occupied. Many thanks to Terry O'Connor, Melissa Chamberlain and Sarah Charmley the three Judges, together with their Book Stewards Sid Skidmore, Catherine Baumber and Joanne Evans. Also a big thank you to Wendy Jones and her team of helpers in the kitchen for keeping us all well feed and watered. Thanks to Pete and Chris on Sales and all who helped them throughout the day and to Jenny for keeping us all in order (at least she tries).
Thanks to my mom, May for helping to Show Sec and to Frances Evans for putting up the Journals and dishing them out for me, it was a great help, many thanks Frances. Frances also helped put out the prize cards throughout the day and congratulations to her for winning the colouring competition,Well done.
Congratulations also to all the Winners, especially to Belvedere Stud for B.I.S. Syrian and Hamper Hams for B.I.S. Dwarfs. I hope you all enjoyed the show, it was a lovely big hall and it was so nice not to have to clean up at the end, pity it is not always the case.
Elaine Skidmore
Judge (Syrian) - Mr T O'Connor GOLDEN(12) CREAM(4) CINNAMON(1) 1. Belvedere Stud Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 2. Wellington Hams Towy Vale - 3. Belvedere Stud Hawthorn Hams - R. Chase Hamstery F.Evans - VHC Duncton Hamstery - - HC Belvedere Stud - - C E.Roberts - - AOC(9) PATTERNED(1) SATIN(10) 1. Wellington Hams J.Mitchell Hawthorn Hams 2. Wellington Hams - Minx Hamstery 3. Hawthorn Hams - Duncton Hamstery R. Towy Vale - Towy Vale VHC Hamper Hams - Towy Vale HC Minx Hamstery - J.Evans LH WHITE(1) LH CREAM(15) LH AOC MALE(19) 1. Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams 2. - Wellington Hams Wellington Hams 3. - Minx Hamstery S.Gosling R. - Wellington Hams S.Gosling VHC - Towy Vale P.Gill HC - Hedgehog Hams S.Gosling C - Duncton Hamstery S.Gosling LH AOC FEMALE(19) LH PATTERNED(9) LH SATIN(6) 1. Wellington Hams Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale 2. Wellington Hams Towy Vale Hamper Hams 3. Towy Vale Hawthorn Hams Hedgehog Hams R. Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams P.Gill VHC Towy Vale Minx Hamstery P.Gill C P.Gill Hamper Hams - JUNIOR MALE JUNIOR FEMALE NOVICE 1. S.Gosling E.Roberts Woods Hamstery 2. S.Gosling H.&H.Myall Woods Hamstery 3. S.Gosling J.Evans Hamper Hams R. S.Gosling J.Evans Hamper Hams VHC F.Evans J.Mitchell Hamper Hams HC F.Evans S.Gosling H.&H.Myall C H.&H.Myall J.Evans Hamper Hams BREEDERS YOUNG STOCK SUPPORTERS 1. Belvedere Stud Minx Hamstery Belvedere Stud 2. Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 3. Wellington Hams Towy Vale Minx Hamstery R. Minx Hamstery Wellington Hams Hawthorn Hams VHC Wellington Hams Wellington Hams Towy Vale HC Hawthorn Hams Belvedere Stud Belvedere Stud C Towy Vale Wellington Hams Hedgehog Hams G.CHALLENGE NON-STANDARD 1. Belvedere Stud Minx Hamstery 2. Hedgehog Hams Minx Hamstery 3. Wellington Hams Duncton Hamstery R. Wellington Hams Towy Vale VHC Minx Hamstery Towy Vale HC Wellington Hams S.Gosling C Hawthorn Hams J.Mitchell PETS-MALE PETS-FEMALE PETS-DWARF 1. M.Arblaster L.Frampton C.Bigland 2. P.Luck V.Smith F.Lamb 3. M.Rawson L.Frampton F.Lamb R. K.Dunkley L.Frampton B.Bigland VHC A.&C.Roberts A.Gill F.Frampton HC E.Roberts K.Biddle N.Donohoe C L.Holmes V.Smith N.Donohoe BEST SH MALE Wellington Hams BEST SH FEMALE Belvedere Stud BEST LH MALE Minx Hamstery BEST LH FEMALE Hedgehog Hams B.I.S. Belvedere Stud B.O.S. Wellington Hams Judge (Dwarf) - Mrs M Chamberlain CAMPBELL(3) WINTER WHITE(16) CHINESE(21) 1. Hamper Hams R.Ellerby Black Country 2. Hamper Hams Black Country Black Country 3. Hamper Hams Woods Hamstery S.Gosling R. - Duncton Hamstery Duncton Hamstery VHC - E.Roberts Duncton Hamstery HC - Duncton Hamstery Hawthorn Hams C - Black Country H.&H.Myall NON-STANDARD(2) JUNIOR NOVICE 1. Hamper Hams S.Gosling R.Ellerby 2. Hamper Hams R.Ellerby Woods Hamstery 3. - E.Roberts E.Roberts R. - H.&H.Myall H.&H.Myall VHC - S.Gosling E.Roberts HC - E.Roberts E.Roberts C - E.Roberts Woods Hamstery BREEDERS G.CHALLENGE 1. Hamper Hams Hamper Hams 2. Black Country Black Country 3. Black Country Hamper Hams R. Black Country Black Country VHC Duncton Hamstery S.Gosling HC Duncton Hamstery R.Ellerby C Duncton Hamstery Black Country B.I.S. Hamper Hams B.O.S. R.Ellerby
More 1997 Hamster Show Results