A very hectic day with over 100 Syrian and over 60 other Species, everybody seemed to have a good day with plenty to see. Congratulations to all the winners and a thank you to our judges Mike Turnidge and Simon Downing and all who helped no matter what it was.
Sue Kilburn.
Judge (Syrian) - Mr M Turnidge GOLDEN CREAM YELLOW 1. Black Country Black Country P.Gill 2. Minx Hamstery L.&J.Hampshire Wellington Hams 3. Flattop Black Country Flattop R. Black Country Black Country Flattop CINNAMON PATTERNED AOC 1. Flattop Black Country Duncton Hamstery 2. Anita Heath Black Country Minx Hamstery 3. L.&J.Hampshire Duncton Hamstery Minx Hamstery R. - Minx Hamstery Flattop SATIN LH WHlTE LH CREAM 1. Minx Hamstery Towy Vale M.Richardson 2. M.Dyson Towy Vale Black Country 3. Flattop Flattop Wellington Hams R. Black Country - P.Gill LH PATTERNED LH AOC LH SATIN 1. Black Country Towy Vale M. Richardson 2. M.Richardson P.Gill Minx Hamstery 3. M.Richardson Wellington Hams Black Country R. Wellington Hams Wellington Hams L.&J.Hampshire JUNIOR NOVICE INTERMEDIATE 1. M.Richardson P.Gill L.&J.Hampshire 2. L.&J.Hampshire P.Gill M.Dyson 3. M.Dyson P.Gill M.Dyson R. M.Richardson Anita Heath L.&J.Hampshire 10-16 WEEKS BREEDERS G.CHALLENGE 1. Black Country Towy Vale Towy Vale 2. Black Country Black Country P.Gill 3. M.Richardson M.Richardson Wellington Hams R. Black Country Minx Hamstery M.Richardson NON-STANDARD 1. Minx Hamstery 2. Minx Hamstery 3. Wellington Hams R. P.Gill B.I.S. JUNlOR M.Richardson B.O.S. JUNIOR L.&J.Hampshire B.I.S. Towy Vale B.O.S. P.Gill Judge (Dwarf) - Mr S Downing CHINESE WINTER WHITE CAMPBELL 1. L.&J.Hampshire M.Screen Wellington Hams 2. Black Country M.Screen Hamper Hams 3. M.Richardson M.Screen Wellington Hams R. M.Richardson Wellington Hams Honeywell Hams JUNIOR NOVICE INTERMEDIATE 1. L.&J.Hampshirn Hamper Hams M.Screen 2. M.Richardson Hamper Hams L.&J.Hampshire 3. M.Richardson P.Martin M.Screen R. L.&J.Hampshire P.Martin M.Screen BREEDER G.CHALLENGE NON-STANDARD 1. M.Screen M.Screen Hamper Hams 2. Wellington Hams Wellington Hams Hamper Hams 3. Hamper Hams Hamper Hams Wellington Hams R. M.Screen L.&J.Hampshire A. Brown B.l.S. JUNlOR L.&J.Hampshire B.O.S. JUNIOR L.&J.Hampshire B.I.S. M.Screen B.O.S. Wellington Hams
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