This was Ian and myself's first stint as show secretary. Thanks to everyone for being patient with two show sec virgins! A reasonable turnout with over 100 Syrians and about 20 Dwarfs. Thanks to the two judges Melissa Chamberlain (Hope the car is fixed) and Mike Turnidge. Thanks also to Val Swingler for providing the food and particularly May Willets and Jeanie Parlett for jumping in at the breach to man the kitchen. The annual NHC awards were presented at the show and it was nice to see so many people collect their awards personally (especially as a six foot hamster was on the loose).
Joanne Evans
Judge (Syrian) - Mr M Turnidge GOLDEN(8) CREAM(5) WHITE(1) 1. Wellington Hams Aleppo Hamstery Aleppo Hamstery 2. Duncton Hamstery Black Country - 3. Wellington Hams Black Country - R. Black Country Hawthorn Hams - VHC E.Roberts F.Evans - HC E.Roberts - - C Minx Hamstery - - CINNAMON(4) AOC(9) PATTERNED(3) 1. Aleppo Hamstery P.Gill Black Country 2. Aleppo Hamstery Aleppo Hamstery Duncton Hamstery 3. Hedgehog Hams Wellington Hams Minx Hamstery R. J.Evans Aleppo Hamstery - VHC - Wellington Hams - HC - Black Country - C - Duncton Hamstery - SATIN(6) LH WHITE(4) LH CREAM(11) 1. Aleppo Hamstery Towy Vale Wellington Hams 2. Hawthorn Hams Towy Vale Wellington Hams 3. Duncton Hamstery Aleppo Hamstery Aleppo Hamstery R. Towy Vale Black Country Towy Vale VHC Black Country - P.Gill HC Hawthorn Hams - Aleppo Hamstery C - - Towy Vale LH AOC MALE(16) LH AOC FEMALE(17) LH PATTERNED(7) 1. Duncton Hamstery Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 2. Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 3. P.Gill S.Gosling Hedgehog Hams R. Towy Vale Aleppo Hamstery S.Gosling VHC Aleppo Hamstery P.Gill Wellington Hams HC Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale S.Gosling C P.Gill J.Evans Black Country JUNIOR MALE(6) JUNIOR FEMALE(8) NOVICE(3) 1. F.Evans S.Gosling J.Evans 2. S.Gosling E.Roberts J.Evans 3. S.Gosling J.Evans J.Evans R. F.Evans E.Roberts - VHC J.Evans S.Gosling - HC F.Evans S.Gosling - C - S.Gosling - LH SATIN(5) BREEDER(42) YOUNG STOCK(16) 1. Towy Vale Wellington Hams Towy Vale 2. Black Country Aleppo Hamstery Wellington Hams 3. Aleppo Hamstery Aleppo Hamstery Aleppo Hamstery R. Black Country Black Country Towy Vale VHC Minx Hamstery Duncton Hamstery Hedgehog Hams HC - Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale C - Black Country Towy Vale SUPPORTERS(86) G.CHALLENGE(96) NON-STANDARD(8) 1. P.Gill P.Gill Minx Hamstery 2. Aleppo Hamstery Wellington Hams Aleppo Hamstery 3. Towy Vale Aleppo Hamstery Minx Hamstery R. Towy Vale Towy Vale Aleppo Hamstery VHC Aleppo Hamstery Towy Vale S.Gosling HC Duncton Hamstery Aleppo Hamstery Duncton Hamstery C Aleppo Hamstery Duncton Hamstery Towy Vale BEST SH MALE Wellington Hams BEST SH FEMALE P.Gill BEST LH MALE Towy Vale BEST LH FEMALE Towy Vale B.I.S. P.Gill B.O.S. Wellington Hams Judge (Dwarf) - Mrs M Chamberlain CAMPBELLS(2) WINTER WHITE(4) CHINESE(9) 1. Minx Hamstery Duncton Hamstery S.Gosling 2. Minx Hamstery Minx Hamstery Hawthorn Hams 3. - Duncton Hamstery Duncton Hamstery R. - Minx Hamstery Black Country VHC - - E.Roberts HC - - Black Country C - - Duncton Hamstery JUNIOR(3) NOVICE(1) BREEDER(8) 1. S.Gosling E.Roberts Duncton Hamstery 2. E.Roberts - Duncton Hamstery 3. S.Gosling - Black Country R. - - Black Country VHC - - Duncton Hamstery HC - - Minx Hamstery C - - Minx Hamstery G.CHALLENGE(15) 1. S.Gosling 2. Hawthorn Hams 3. Minx Hamstery R. Duncton Hamstery VHC Duncton Hamstery HC Black Country C E.Roberts B.I.S. S.Gosling B.O.S. S.Gosling
More 1997 Hamster Show Results