A well attended show (120 Syrians and 28 Dwarfs) and display even though the weather was very much against us on Saturday. In fact by 4 o'clock on Saturday our results sheets were so damp we thought they would fall apart! Thanks to the Syrian team:- Andrew Bryan for judging (and for giving us two firsts), Terry O'Connor for book stewarding and Rhiannon Lloyd for pen stewarding. A special thanks to Simon Downing for "volunteering" to judge the dwarfs at the 11th hour ably assisted by Sarah Charmley. Thanks to the sales team for doing an excellent job as usual. Thanks also to Elaine and May for keeping our kids occupied all day! The display on Sunday was well attended by the public, thanks to marginally better weather. Thanks to all those who helped on the day. A good turn our for the pet competition too with 12 hamsters (of varying temperament as my thumb and Chris's hand will testify!). Let's hope for better weather next year.
Judge (Syrian) - Mr A Bryan GOLDEN(8) CREAM(11) CINNAMON(2) 1. T.O'Connor Netherwood Hams Black Country 2. T.O'Connor T.O'Connor J.Evans 3. T.O'Connor T.O'Connor - R. T.O'Connor T.O'Connor - VHC T.O'Connor Black Country - HC Minx Hamstery T.O'Connor - C P.Gill Towy Vale - AOC(7) PATTERNED(6) SATIN 1. P.Gill Towy Vale E.Roberts 2. Netherwood Hams Black Country T.O'Connor 3. K.Gill Black Country T.O'Connor R. Black Country A.&C.Roberts T.O'Connor VHC Netherwood Hams Netherwood Hams Netherwood Hams HC Hawthorn Hams Black Country T.O'Connor C Minx Hamstery - R.Lloyd LH WHITE(4) LH CREAM(11) LH AOC MALE(11) 1. Towy Vale P.Gill Towy Vale 2. Towy Vale Towy Vale P.Gill 3. Black Country Hedgehog Hams Minx Hamstery R. Netherwood Hams Towy Vale Netherwood Hams VHC - Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams HC - Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams C - Hedgehog Hams R.Lloyd AOC FEMALE(22) LH PATTERNED(6) LH SATIN(6) 1. Hedgehog Hams Hawthorn Hams Hawthorn Hams 2. Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams Black Country 3. Hawthorn Hams Minx Hamstery Towy Vale R. Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams R.Lloyd VHC Hedgehog Hams Netherwood Hams Hedgehog Hams HC Netherwood Hams Woods Hamstery Towy Vale C Hedgehog Hams - - JUNIOR MALE(7) JUNIOR FEMALE(5)NOVICE(14) 1. E.Roberts E.Roberts K.Gill 2. K.Gill F.Evans Woods Hamstery 3. M.Jones F.Evans A.&C.Roberts R. J.Evans A.Gill M.Jones VHC F.Evans M.Jones J.Evans HC J.Evans - Y.Jones C J.Evans - A.Gill BREEDER(69) YOUNG STOCK(32) SUPPORTERS(101) 1. T.O'Connor Towy Vale Netherwood Hams 2. Towy Vale Towy Vale T.O'Connor 3. Hedgehog Hams E.Roberts Towy Vale R. Towy Vale Hawthorn Hams Hedgehog Hams VHC Black Country Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale HC T.O'Connor Netherwood Hams P.Gill C T.O'Connor Black Country Black Country G.CHALLENGE(104)NON-STANDARD(6) 1. Netherwood Hams Minx Hamstery 2. T.O'Connor P.Gill 3. Towy Vale M.Jones R. Hedgehog Hams M.Jones VHC Towy Vale Netherwood Hams HC P.Gill Minx Hamstery C Black Country - BEST SH MALE Towy Vale BEST SH FEMALE Netherwood Hams BEST LH MALE Towy Vale BEST LH FEMALE Hedgehog Hams B.I.S. Netherwood Hams B.O.S. Towy ValeJudge (Dwarf) - Mr S Downing WINTER WHITE(14)CHINESE(10) JUNIOR(2) 1. E.Roberts Black Country E.Roberts 2. Black Country Duncton HamsteryE.Roberts 3. Netherwood Hams Black Country - R. Black Country Duncton Hamstery- VHC E.Roberts Black Country - HC Duncton HamsteryHawthorn Hams - C Woods Hamstery Hawthorn Hams - NOVICE(7) BREEDER(18) G.CHALLENGE(21) 1. E.Roberts Black Country Black Country 2. Netherwood Hams Duncton HamsteryE.Roberts 3. E.Roberts Black Country Duncton Hamstery R. Woods Hamstery Duncton HamsteryBlack Country VHC Netherwood Hams Black Country Duncton Hamstery HC Woods Hamstery Duncton HamsteryBlack Country C Woods Hamstery Netherwood Hams Netherwood Hams B.I.S. Black Country B.O.S. E.Roberts
More 1997 Hamster Show Results