A welcome return to Mapplewell, though as we shared the venue with the church coffe morning we found ourselves in a new room. However, the captive audience meant everyone was kept busy talking to interested new comers. Thanks to all who attended the AGM - your continued support is much appreciated. Congratulations to all winners and see you all again soon.
SH GOLDEN(11) SH CREAM(12) SH YELLOW(9) 1. Rother Hams Rother Hams Hamper Hams 2. Towy Vale Black Country Flattop 3. M.Richardson Black Country Hamper Hams R. Black Country Palette Hams M.Richardson SH CINNAMON(8) SH PATTERNED(5) SH AOC(9) 1. Greenfield Hams Black Country Black Country 2. Greenfield Hams A.Liversidge Flattop 3. A.Broadhead H.Edge Greenfield Hams R. Flattop M.Richardson Rother Hams SH SATIN(15) LH WHITE(9) LH CREAM(14) 1. M.Richardson Black Country M.Richardson 2. Tulip Tree Black Country M.Richardson 3. Black Country Greenfield Hams Flattop R. Palette Hams Tulip Tree Flattop LH PATTERNED(4) LH AOC(16) LH SATIN(8) 1. Towy Vale Palette Hams M.Richardson 2. L.Sinclair Greenfield Hams Towy Vale 3. Hamper Hams Rother Hams Black Country R. Flattop Greenfield Hams L.Sinclair JUNIOR(29) NOVICE(26) INTERMEDIATE(6) 1. M.Richardson Greenfield Hams Hamper Hams 2. M.Richardson Greenfield Hams L.Ward 3. M.Richardson Greenfield Hams L.Ward R. L.Ward Greenfield Hams Hamper Hams 10-16 WEEKS(20) BREEDER(67) G.CHALLENGE(97) 1. Black Country Rother Hams Rother Hams 2. L.Ward Towy Vale Towy Vale 3. Flattop Towy Vale Towy Vale R. L.Sinclair Black Country M.Richardson NON-STANDARD(9) PETS(3) 1. L.Sinclair R.Avill 2. M.Richardson R.Avill 3. Greenfield Hams J.Kaden R. L.Sinclair - B.I.S. JUNIOR M.Richardson B.O.S. JUNIOR M.Richardson B.I.S. Rother Hams B.O.S. Towy Vale CHINESE(9) WINTER WHITE(25)CAMPBELL(13) 1. Hamper Hams Honeywell Hams Hamper Hams 2. Hamper Hams Greenfield Hams Honeywell Hams 3. S.Turnidge A.Liversidge L.Sinclair R. Greenfield Hams S.Turnidge Honeywell Hams CAMPBELL(AL)(7) JUNIOR(29) NOVICE(18) 1. L.Sinclair A.Liversidge Greenfield Hams 2. Honeywell Hams L.Sinclair L.Sinclair 3. H.Edge H.Edge H.Edge R. L.Sinclair S.Turnidge L.Sinclair INTERMEDIATE(15)BREEDER(30) G.CHALLENGE(52) 1. Hamper Hams Hamper Hams Honeywell Hams 2. Hamper Hams A.Liversidge Greenfield Hams 3. L.Nixon L.Sinclair A.Liversidge R. Hamper Hams L.Sinclair L.Sinclair NON-STANDARD(6) 1. Hamper Hams 2. L.Sinclair 3. Hamper Hams R. Honeywell Hams B.I.S. JUNIOR A.Liversidge B.O.S. JUNIOR L.Sinclair B.I.S. Honeywell Hams B.O.S. Greenfield Hams
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