The Midland Hamster Club

(Affiliated to the National Hamster Council)


Judge (Syrian) Mrs Joanna Roach
SH GOLDEN(16) SH CREAM(22) SH WHITE(5) 1. Hedgehog Hams F.Neal Valentine Hams 2. Black Country J.Tye & C.Leat Duncton Hams 3. Humbug Hams J.Entwhistle W.Wright R. Greenfield Hams Blackberry Stud W.Wright VHC Aleppo Hams Blackberry Stud W.Wright HC Humbug Hams Blackberry Stud - C Aleppo Hams Black Country - SH CINNAMON(9) SH AOC(22) SH PATTERNED(5) 1. Aleppo Hams W.Wright J.Tye & C.Leat 2. J.Tye & C.Leat Aleppo Hams Black Country 3. Minx Hams Greenfield Hams Hedgehog Hams R. W.Wright W.Wright T.Malloy VHC Greenfield Hams J.Tye & C.Leat Black Country HC Greenfield Hams Black Country - C Greenfield Hams Humbug Hams - SH SATIN(9) LH WHITE(6) LH CREAM(16) 1. Aleppo Hams Black Country W.Wright 2. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Black Country 3. F.&.J.Evans Valentine Hams Aleppo Hams R. Towy Vale P.Gill P.Gill VHC F.&.J.Evans Towy Vale P.Gill HC Greenfield Hams Greenfield Hams J.Entwhistle C F.&.J.Evans - Humbug Hams LH AOC MALE(17) LH AOC FEM(16) LH PATTERN(9) 1. Minx Hams H.Scott Minx Hams 2. Towy Vale ValentineHams Towy Vale 3. Humbug Hams Hamper Hams Hedgehog Hams R. Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale Towy Vale VHC Towy Vale Greenfield Hams H.Scott HC Greenfield Hams Hedgehog Hams Hamper Hams C Towy Vale H.Scott Valentine Hams LH SATIN(10) JUNIOR(25) NOVICE(12) 1. Black Country F.Neal F.Neal 2. Aleppo Hams Humbug Hams J.Entwhistle 3. Towy Vale Humbug Hams J.Entwhistle R. P.Gill Humbug Hams K.&.A.Gill VHC Towy Vale K.&.A.Gill T.Malloy HC Blackberry Stud Humbug Hams J.Entwhistle C J.Tye & C.Leat Humbug Hams L.Cherrington INTERMEDIATE(27)BREEDER(72) YOUNG STOCK(23) 1. Greenfield Hams Black Country Aleppo 2. Hamper Hams Valentine Hams Minx Hams 3. Greenfield Hams Minx Hams Towy Vale R. Greenfield Hams P.Gill Hedgehog Hams VHC Hamper Hams Minx Hams Humbug Hams HC H.Scott Greenfield Hams Hedgehog Hams C Hamper Hams Valentine Hams Towy Vale F.M.C.(95) G.CHALLENGE(157)NON-STANDARD(5) 1. Black Country Black Country Aleppo Hams 2. Black Country W.Wright Hedgehog Hams 3. Black Country Black Country Greenfield Hams R. Valentine Hams Minx Hams Greenfield Hams VHC J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Minx Hams HC P.Gill F.Neal - C Valentine Hams Aleppo Hams - BEST SH MALE Aleppo Hams BEST SH FEMALE F.Neal BEST LH MALE Black Country BEST LH FEMALE Aleppo Hams B.I.S. Black Country RESERVE B.I.S. W.Wright
Judge (Dwarf) - Mrs C Groves
CAMPBELL(10) WINTER WHITE(13)CHINESE(9) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Black Country 2. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Greenfield Hams 3. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat Valentine Hams R. B.Boraston S.&.S.Hamstery Valentine Hams VHC Greenfield Hams S.&.S.Hamstery Valentine Hams HC Duncton Hams S.&.S.Hamstery S.&.S.Hamstery C S.&.S.Hamstery Duncton Hams Greenfield Hams NON-STANDARD(10)NOVICE(8) INTERMEDIATE(3) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat S.&.S.Hamstery Greenfield Hams 2. J.Tye & C.Leat S.&.S.Hamstery Greenfield Hams 3. J.Tye & C.Leat S.&.S.Hamstery Greenfield Hams R. B.Boraston S.&.S.Hamstery - VHC Towy Vale B.Boraston - HC B.Boraston S.&.S.Hamstery - C Towy Vale S.&.S.Hamstery - BREEDER(18) F.M.C.(21) G.CHALLENGE(32) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat 2. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat 3. J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat R. S.&.S.Hamstery J.Tye & C.Leat S.&.S.Hamstery VHC J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat J.Tye & C.Leat HC J.Tye & C.Leat Duncton Hams J.Tye & C.Leat C S.&.S.Hamstery J.Tye & C.Leat S.&.S.Hamstery PETS(5) 1. T.Malloy 2. T.Spiegler 3. F.Neal R. T.Spiegler VHC Valentine Hams B.I.S. J.Tye & C.Leat RESERVE B.I.S. J.Tye & C.Leat
More 1998 Hamster Show Results