Firstly may I thank Emma and Mark who stood in for me so ably when I was unable to attend the show. May I also thank those who helped when things got busy during the duplicates. By all accounts the show was busy with everyone doing their bit to help. Very many thanks to all who officiated, and Karen Walker and co for standing in at the last minute to do the refreshments. Congratulations to all winners.
After the show many of the members convoyed around to Sue and Neil Washbrook's house for what has now become an annual Bar-B-Que. The spread was great (our compliments to the chef, Neil), and it was so nice to have a social gathering with plenty to eat and drink. Very many thanks, Sue, Neil and Family from all who attended. When word of this gets around I think you will have to rent the field at the bottom of the garden for next year.
Judge (Syrian) - Ms J Tye
. SH GOLDEN(10) SH CREAM(7) SH AOC MALE(10) 1. Hedgehog Hams Lilliput Hams Hamper Hams 2. Wellington Hams Lilliput Hams Towy Vale 3. Greenfield Hams Star War Hams Duncton Hams R. Lilliput Hams Lilliput Hams P.Gill VHC Greenfield Hams Towy Vale Star War Hams HC Lilliput Hams C.Hanby Greenfield Hams C Hobhill Hamstery Tinkerwood Hams Star War Hams . SH AOC FEMALE(10) SH PATTERNED(5) SH SATIN(8) 1. Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams Lilliput Hams 2. Wellington Hams H.Scott Towy Vale 3. H.Scott Greenfield Hams Hobhill Hamstery R. Z.Sugden A.Hodges Hobhill Hamstery VHC Wellington Hams Z.Sugden Greenfield Hams HC Wellington Hams - Hedgehog Hams C Hamper Hams - Lilliput Hams . LH WHITE(4) LH CREAM(16) LH AOC MALE(19) 1. Towy Vale Towy Vale Towy Vale 2. Greenfield Hams H.&.H.Myall Towy Vale 3. Greenfield Hams Towy Vale Star War Hams R. Valentine Hams Lilliput Hams Greenfield Hams VHC - Towy Vale Towy Vale HC - P.Gill Greenfield Hams C - Lilliput Hams L.Cherrington . LH AOC FEMALE(16) LH PATTERNED(11) LH SATIN(9) 1. Duncton Hams Lilliput Hams H.&.H.Myall 2. Towy Vale R.Washbrook Hedgehog Hams 3. Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale R. Star War Hams Hedgehog Hams Duncton Hams VHC Greenfield Hams Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams HC Tinkerwood Hams C.Washbrook Star War Hams C Hobhill Hamstery Greenfield Hams H.&.H.Myall . JUNIOR(15) NOVICE(16) INTERMEDIATE(19) 1. R.Washbrook L.Cherrington Greenfield Hams 2. Z.Sugden G.Brooks Greenfield Hams 3. K.&.A.Gill G.Brooks Greenfield Hams R. L.Cherrington Tinkerwood Hams Z.Sugden VHC C.Washbrook Tinkerwood Hams K.&.A.Gill HC H.Keegan Tinkerwood Hams Greenfield Hams C G.Brooks C.Hanby Greenfield Hams . BREEDER(68) YOUNG STOCK(22) FMC(67) 1. Lilliput Hams Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 2. Lilliput Hams Towy Vale Towy Vale 3. Towy Vale Towy Vale Towy Vale R. Towy Vale Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams VHC Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale H.&.H.Myall HC H.&.H.Myall Star War Hams Towy Vale C Towy Vale Greenfield Hams Hamper Hams . G.CHALLENGE(120) NON-STANDARD(10) . 1. Hedgehog Hams Lilliput Hams . 2. Lilliput Hams H.Scott . 3. Lilliput Hams K.Washbrook . R. Towy Vale Duncton Hams . VHC Towy Vale C.Hanby . HC Hedgehog Hams Greenfield Hams . C H.&.H.Myall Greenfield Hams . . B.I.S. JUNIOR R.Washbrook . . B.O.S. JUNIOR L.Cherrington . . BEST SH MALE Hedgehog Hams . . BEST SH FEMALE Towy Vale . . BEST LH MALE H.&.H.Myall . . BEST LH FEMALE Towy Vale . . B.I.S. Hedgehog Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. Lilliput Hams .
Judge (Dwarf) - Mr T Groves
. CAMPBELL(6) WINTER WHITE(20) CHINESE(12) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat Lilliput Hams Star War Hams 2. J.Tye & C.Leat Star War Hams Star War Hams 3. J.Tye & C.Leat C.Hanby Star War Hams R. J.Tye & C.Leat Lilliput Hams J.Tye & C.Leat VHC Greenfield Hams K.Walker J.Tye & C.Leat HC H.Scott K.Walker J.Tye & C.Leat C - H.&.H.Myall Star War Hams . NON-STANDARD(13) JUNIOR(11) NOVICE(4) 1. H.Scott H.&.H.Myall C.Hanby 2. J.Tye & C.Leat H.&.H.Myall L.Cherrington 3. Greenfield Hams H.&.H.Myall C.Hanby R. Greenfield Hams H.&.H.Myall L.Cherrington VHC J.Tye & C.Leat L.Cherrington - HC H.Scott H.&.H.Myall - C H.Scott H.&.H.Myall - . INTERMEDIATE(3) BREEDER(30) FMC(13) 1. K.Walker J.Tye & C.Leat Lilliput Hams 2. K.Walker J.Tye & C.Leat K.Walker 3. Greenfield Hams Star War Hams K.Walker R. - Lilliput Hams H.&.H.Myall VHC - J.Tye & C.Leat H.Scott HC - J.Tye & C.Leat Duncton Hams C - Lilliput Hams H.&.H.Myall . G.CHALLENGE(38) . . 1. J.Tye & C.Leat . . 2. J.Tye & C.Leat . . 3. Star War Hams . . R. Lilliput Hams . . VHC Star War Hams . . HC J.Tye & C.Leat . . C J.Tye & C.Leat . . . B.I.S. J.Tye & C.Leat . . RESERVE B.I.S. J.Tye & C.Leat .
More 1999 Hamster Show Results