After the scorching hot weather on the day of the show in 1997 and possibly even hotter weather in 1998 we were well prepared.
The divider between us and the Chinchillas, who share the marquee, was left off so that we also got the benefit of the air conditioning.
Two fans were held in reserve to give even more cooling if required.
Did we need them? Did we heck. They were never unloaded from the van.
I put on my body warmer soon after arriving and never took it off the rest of the day. We were fortunate that it remained dry because there had been torrential rain the previous day and pumps had been brought in to clear the water.
We had a constant stream of visitors to see the show and everyone was kept busy throughout the day.
I would like to thank everyone who supported the show.
Congratulations to all the winners and a special thanks to:
Syrian Judge Terry 0' Connor assisted by Book-Steward Barry Edge and Pen-Steward Arthur Broadhead.
And Other Species Judge Sarah Charmley assisted by Book- Steward Jane Martin and Pen-Steward Sandra Edge.
They had a very difficult task.
Once again thank you for all your support which ensured the show was a great success.
Judge (Syrian) - Mr T O.Connor
. SH GOLDEN(14) SH CREAM(14) SH YELLOW(6) 1. Black Country Rotherhams Flattop 2. Black Country Star War Hams L.Sinclair 3. Edge Family A.Broadhead Flattop R. Flattop Edge Family Duncton Hams . SH CINNAMON(8) SH PATTERNED(7) SH AOC(6) 1. Tulip Tree Black Country A.Broadhead 2. Tulip Tree White Rose Hams White Rose Hams 3. Edge Family A.Broadhead Flattop R. Star War Hams Greenfield Hams Star War Hams . SH SATIN(10) LH WHITE(5) LH CREAM(8) 1. Black Country Tulip Tree Flattop 2. Black Country Flattop White Rose Hams 3. Tulip Tree Tulip Tree White Rose Hams R. White Rose Hams Palette Hams Rotherhams . LH PATTERNED(10) LH AOC(15) LH SATIN(6) 1. Black Country Star War Hams Rotherhams 2. L.Sinclair Star War Hams Star War Hams 3. Greenfield Hams Greenfield Hams Minx Hams R. L.Sinclair White Rose Hams L.Sinclair . JUNIOR(11) INTERMEDIATE(29) 10-16 WEEKS(18) 1. L.Sinclair L.Sinclair Star War Hams 2. C.Liversidge Edge Family L.Sinclair 3. L.Sinclair Edge Family L.Sinclair R. L.Sinclair Greenfield Hams Star War Hams . BREEDER(67) G.CHALLENGE(101) NON-STANDARD(6) 1. Rotherhams Rotherhams L.Sinclair 2. Flattop Black Country Greenfield Hams 3. White Rose Hams Black Country A.Broadhead R. White Rose Hams Flattop L.Sinclair . B.I.S. JUNIOR L.Sinclair . . B.O.S. JUNIOR C.Liversidge . . B.I.S. Rotherhams . . B.O.S. Black Country .
Judge (Dwarf) - Mrs S Charmley
. CHINESE(6) WINTER WHITE(37) CAMPBELL(8) 1. Black Country Honeywell Hams L.Sinclair 2. Dee Jay Hams Honeywell Hams Dee Jay Hams 3. Star War Hams C.Allen Dee Jay Hams R. Dee Jay Hams C.Allen Star War Hams . CAMPBELL ALB(9) JUNIOR(36) INTERMEDIATE(28) 1. Dee Jay Hams L.Nixon L.Nixon 2. Dee Jay Hams L.Nixon L.Nixon 3. Dee Jay Hams L.Nixon L.Nixon R. L.Sinclair L.Nixon L.Nixon . BREEDER(?) G.CHALLENGE(55) NON-STANDARD(4) 1. Black Country Black Country L.Sinclair 2. Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams L.Sinclair 3. Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams L.Sinclair R. C.Allen C.Allen L.Sinclair . B.I.S. JUNIOR L.Nixon . . B.O.S. JUNIOR Dee Jay Hams . . B.I.S. Black Country . . B.O.S. Honeywell Hams .
More 1999 Hamster Show Results