Firstly, I would like to thank Councillor Alan Buckley, Chairman of Rotherham Parish Council, for presenting the plaques and trophies. The entries on the day were good, 107 Syrian and 71 Dwarf. Congratulations to Hamper Hams for B.I.S. (Syrian) and Rotherhams for B.O.S. (Syrian) and Honeywell Hams for B.I.S. (Dwarf) and Wellington Hams for B.O.S. (Dwarf).
Judge (Syrian) - Mrs M Chamberlain
. SH GOLDEN(11) SH CREAM(15) SH YELLOW(9) 1. Flattop Star War Hams Rotherhams 2. Flattop Rotherhams Flattop 3. Tulip Tree A.Broadhead A.Broadhead R. Edge Family Edge Family Flattop . SH CINNAMON(7) SH PATTERNED(10) SH AOC(6) 1. A.Broadhead White Rose Hams Hamper Hams 2. M.Tomlinson L.Sinclair A.Broadhead 3. Tulip Tree A.Broadhead Flattop R. Edge Family White Rose Hams Star War Hams . SH SATIN(11) LH WHITE(4) LH CREAM(10) 1. Black Country Tulip Tree Flattop 2. Black Country L.Sinclair L.Sinclair 3. White Rose Hams Flattop Rotherhams R. Tulip Tree Tulip Tree White Rose Hams . LH PATTERNED(5) LH AOC(18) LH SATIN(2) 1. M.Tomlinson White Rose Hams Rotherhams 2. Hamper Hams Flattop Black Country 3. L.Sinclair Star War Hams - R. L.Sinclair Hamper Hams - . JUNIOR(16) NOVICE(4) INTERMEDIATE(21) 1. L.Sinclair T.Harrison L.Sinclair 2. Cheverton Hams A.Vickery Cheverton Hams 3. L.Sinclair A.Vickery L.Sinclair R. Cheverton Hams A.Vickery Cheverton Hams . 10-16 WEEKS(13) BREEDER(51) G.CHALLENGE(93) 1. White Rose Hams Flattop Hamper Hams 2. Rotherhams White Rose Hams Rotherhams 3. White Rose Hams L.Sinclair Flattop R. Rotherhams Black Country White Rose Hams . NON-STANDARD(4) . . 1. R.Avill . . 2. A.Broadhead . . 3. Edge Family . . R. L.Sinclair . . . B.I.S. JUNIOR L.Sinclair . . B.O.S. JUNIOR Cheverton Hams . . B.I.S. Hamper Hams . . B.O.S. Rotherhams .
Judge (Dwarf) - Mr T Groves
. CHINESE(14) WINTER WHITE(27) CAMPBELL(16) 1. Star War Hams Honeywell Hams Wellington Hams 2. Dee Jay Hams Honeywell Hams Wellington Hams 3. Cheverton Hams Wellington Hams A.Vickery R. A.Vickery Honeywell Hams A.Vickery . CAMPBELL ALB(7) JUNIOR(39) NOVICE(12) 1. Wellington Hams A.Vickery A.Vickery 2. Wellington Hams A.Vickery A.Vickery 3. Wellington Hams A.Vickery A.Vickery R. Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams T.Harrison . INTERMEDIATE(22) BREEDER(48) G.CHALLENGE(64) 1. Dee Jay Hams Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams 2. Cheverton Hams Wellington Hams Wellington Hams 3. Dee Jay Hams Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams R. Dee Jay Hams Wellington Hams Wellington Hams . NON-STANDARD(8) . . 1. L.Sinclair . . 2. L.Sinclair . . 3. Wellington Hams . . R. Wellington Hams . . . B.I.S. JUNIOR A.Vickery . . B.O.S. JUNIOR Dee Jay Hams . . B.I.S. Honeywell Hams . . B.O.S. Wellington Hams .
More 1999 Hamster Show Results