A very nice show with lovely weather. We had a very pleasant journey down to Cardiff. I would like to say all my thank you's now. To begin with, thanks to my assistant show secretary on the day, Wendy Wright who did a splendid job on her first attempt. Thanks to our two judges, Andrew Bryan and Jean Tye and their book stewards Emma Sydenham and Carol Leat. Not forgetting their Pen stewards thanks to you all. A very big thank you to Mrs. Myall who kept us all refreshed all day with food and drinks, assisted by her daughter. Well Done.
Congratulations to everyone who won especially Jean and Carol who had a really good day and Andrew Bryan who won Best in Show in the Dwarf section. I hope you are now feeling better, Andrew.
I hope you all enjoyed the day and look forward to seeing you at a show soon.
Judge (Syrian) - Mr A Bryan
. SH GOLDEN(9) SH CREAM(11) SH AOC MALE(9) 1. Black Country J.Tye &.C.Leat Towy Vale 2. Greenfield Hams Star Wars Hams Star Wars Hams 3. Hedgehog Hams J.Tye &.C.Leat P.Gill R. Black Country Netherwood Hams Star Wars Hams VHC J.Tye &.C.Leat Black Country P.Gill HC Somershire Hams Black Country Valentine Hams C J.Tye &.C.Leat F.&.J.Evans Greenfield Hams . SH AOC FEMALE(10) SH PATTERNED(4) SH SATIN(16) 1. J.Tye &.C.Leat Greenfield Hams Greenfield Hams 2. Star Wars Hams Black Country Black Country 3. Z.Sugden J.Tye &.C.Leat Netherwood Hams R. J.Tye &.C.Leat Star Wars Hams Hedgehog Hams VHC Netherwood Hams - Black Country HC Hedgehog Hams - Black Country C Star Wars Hams - Netherwood Hams . LH WHITE(1) LH CREAM(18) LH AOC MALE(13) 1. Valentine Hams J.Tye &.C.Leat J.Tye &.C.Leat 2. - J.Tye &.C.Leat Greenfield Hams 3. - J.Tye &.C.Leat H.Keegan R. - H.&.H.Myall Towy Vale VHC - Somershire Hams Towy Vale HC - K.Walker P.Gill C - F.&.J.Evans Greenfield Hams .. LH AOC FEMALE(13) LH PATTERNED(8) LH SATIN(10) 1. Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 2. Greenfield Hams Towy Vale H.&.H.Myall 3. Star Wars Hams Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale R. Minx Hams Minx Hams Netherwood Hams VHC Tinkerwood Hams Hedgehog Hams Star Wars Hams HC Hedgehog Hams Tinkerwood Hams Black Country C Star Wars Hams Netherwood Hams H.&.H.Myall . JUNIOR(13) NOVICE(7) INTERMEDIATE(16) 1. Z.Sugden Tinkerwood Hams Greenfield Hams 2. F.&.J.Evans Somershire Hams Z.Sugden 3. F.&.J.Evans Somershire Hams Greenfield Hams R. F.&.J.Evans Tinkerwood Hams Greenfield Hams VHC H.Keegan Tinkerwood Hams Greenfield Hams HC F.&.J.Evans Tinkerwood Hams K.Walker C F.&.J.Evans Tinkerwood Hams Greenfield Hams . BREEDER(73) YOUNG STOCK(47) FMC(61) 1. J.Tye &.C.Leat Hedgehog Hams Black Country 2. Greenfield Hams Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 3. J.Tye &.C.Leat Star Wars Hams Z.Sugden R. Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale VHC Greenfield Hams Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale HC Towy Vale Minx Hams Netherwood Hams C J.Tye &.C.Leat Tinkerwood Hams Towy Vale . G.CHALLENGE(114) NON-STANDARD(8) PETS(14) 1. J.Tye &.C.Leat Hedgehog Hams L.Williams 2. J.Tye &.C.Leat Greenfield Hams G.Lazaroll 3. Greenfield Hams Greenfield Hams L.Tucker R. Black Country Greenfield Hams L.Williams VHC J.Tye &.C.Leat Hedgehog Hams M.Kuczys HC Hedgehog Hams Valentine Hams G.Lazaroll C Star Wars Hams Netherwood Hams B.Newns . BEST SH MALE J.Tye &.C.Leat . . BEST SH FEMALE J.Tye &.C.Leat . . BEST LH MALE Hedgehog Hams . . BEST LH FEMALE J.Tye &.C.Leat . . B.I.S. JUNIOR Z.Sugden . . B.O.S. JUNIOR H.Keegan . . B.I.S. J.Tye &.C.Leat . . RESERVE B.I.S. J.Tye &.C.Leat .
Judge (Dwarf) - Miss J Tye
. CAMPBELL(3) WINTER WHITE(18) CHINESE(20) 1. Duncton Hams Duncton Hams T.Stokes 2. Greenfield Hams Netherwood Hams Black Country 3. Greenfield Hams K.Walker Greenfield Hams R. - H.&.H.Myall Somershire Hams VHC - Somershire Hams P.Gill HC - Star Wars Hams Star Wars Hams C - H.&.H.Myall Star Wars Hams . JUNIOR(4) NON-STANDARD(5) NOVICE(9) 1. H.&.H.Myall Duncton Hams Somershire Hams 2. H.&.H.Myall Somershire Hams Somershire Hams 3. H.&.H.Myall Greenfield Hams Somershire Hams R. H.&.H.Myall Greenfield Hams Somershire Hams VHC - Greenfield Hams Somershire Hams HC - - Somershire Hams C - - Somershire Hams . INTERMEDIATE(6) BREEDER(22) FMC(29) 1. T.Stokes Duncton Hams Duncton Hams 2. Greenfield Hams Black Country Duncton Hams 3. K.Walker Netherwood Hams Black Country R. Greenfield Hams K.Walker Somershire Hams VHC T.Stokes P.Gill Netherwood Hams HC Greenfield Hams Star Wars Hams K.Walker C - H.&.H.Myall P.Gill . G.CHALLENGE(41) . . 1. Duncton Hams . . 2. T.Stokes . . 3. Duncton Hams . . R. Black Country . . VHC Greenfield Hams . . HC Somershire Hams . . C Netherwood Hams . . . B.I.S. JUNIOR H.&.H.Myall . . B.O.S. JUNIOR H.&.H.Myall . . B.I.S. Duncton Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. T.Stokes .
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