To say that the postman was struggling to our door with sackfulls of mail would not be true but we still had a bumper Christmas Show! With 193 Syrian & 115 Dwarf entered, the Syrians were split into 2 shows & all hands were to the pumps.
Thanks go to Jean Tye, Susan Washbrook (short notice), Melissa Chamberlain(Non-Standard), Simon Downing (Dwarf) and Andrew Barnett (Dwarf Non-Standard) for judging on the day. Also to the pen & book stewards who worked extremely hard. Well done to Elaine & her Christmas crew who produced a magnificent spread. Also to Pete & the sales team.
Congratulations to the final winners of this century(!) - LH,Aleppo Hamstery & Star War Hams; SH ,P.Gill & Aleppo Hamstery. Junior SH, H.Cherrington; LH, G.Brooks/Humbug Hams. Dwarf,Hamper Hams.
Although the show was very busy, a good time was had by all.
Judge (SH Syrian) - Ms J Tye
Judge (LH Syrian) - Mrs S Washbrook
. SH GOLDEN(21) SHCREAM(19) SH AOC MALE(15) 1. Black Country P.Gill E.Hornett 2. Black Country Aleppo Hamstery Aleppo Hamstery 3. Duncton Hams Blackberry Stud E.Hornett R. Black Country P.Gill Greenfield Hams VHC A.&.G.Rigden P.Gill Humbug Hams HC L.Washbrook Star War Hams Aleppo Hamstery C A.&.G.Rigden Blackberry Stud Valentine Hams . SH AOC FEMALE(16) SH PATTERNED(4) SH SATIN(18) 1. Star War Hams Greenfield Hams Black Country 2. Aleppo Hamstery Black Country Aleppo Hamstery 3. G.Brooks A.Hodges Towy Vale R. E.Hornett H.Scott Star War Hams VHC Humbug Hams - Tinkerwood Hams HC Humbug Hams - Wellington Hams C Humbug Hams - Wellington Hams . SH JUNIOR(13) SH NOVICE(13) SH INTERMEDIATE(6) 1. G.Brooks G.Brooks E.Hornett 2. Humbug Hams A.&.G.Rigden E.Hornett 3. Humbug Hams A.&.G.Rigden Tinkerwood Hams R. Humbug Hams A.&.G.Rigden E.Hornett VHC Humbug Hams A.&.G.Rigden L.Cherrington HC Humbug Hams C.Hanby L.Cherrington C L.Cherrington J.Rowe - . SH BREEDER(54) SH YOUNG STOCK(33) SH FMC(48) 1. Blackberry Stud P.Gill P.Gill 2. Black Country E.Hornett Black Country 3. P.Gill Humbug Hams P.Gill R. Black Country Wellington Hams Black Country VHC Towy Vale P.Gill Towy Vale HC Black Country Wellington Hams Black Country C E.Hornett Humbug Hams E.Hornett . SH G.CHALLENGE(92) N0N-STANDARD(17) PETS(5) 1. P.Gill H.Scott L.Cherrington 2. Aleppo Hamstery Lilliput Hams C.Hanby 3. Blackberry Stud P.Gill C.Hanby R. Black Country Minx Hams R.Hodges VHC P.Gill A.Hodges T.Malloy HC Aleppo Hamstery H.Scott - C Black Country Minx Hams - . LH WHITE(4) LH CREAM(20) LH AOC MALE(22) 1. Valentine Hams Star War Hams P.Gill 2. Greenfield Hams P.Gill Blackberry Stud 3. Towy Vale H.Cherrington Star War Hams R. H.Scott Towy Vale Towy Vale VHC - A.&.G.Rigden Star War Hams HC - Star War Hams P.Gill C - P.Gill Towy Vale . LH AOC FEMALE(18) LH PATTERNED(12) LH SATIN(13) 1. Tinkerwood Hams Towy Vale Aleppo Hamstery 2. S.Brooks Greenfield Hams Wellington Hams 3. Blackberry Stud H.Cherrington Minx Hams R. Greenfield Hams Greenfield Hams Star War Hams VHC Humbug Hams Duncton Hams Black Country HC Hamper Hams Minx Hams Star War Hams C H.Scott T.Malloy Minx Hams . LH JUNIOR(11) LH NOVICE(15) LH INTERMEDIATE(7) 1. H.Cherrington H.Cherrington Tinkerwood Hams 2. H.Cherrington A.&.G.Rigden E.Hornett 3. C.Coomber S.Brooks E.Hornett R. G.Brooks D.Brooks E.Hornett VHC G.Brooks H.Cherrington T.Malloy HC T.Malloy C.Coomber E.Hornett C G.Brooks G.Brooks T.Malloy . LH BREEDER(40) LH YOUNG STOCK(26) LHFMC(49) 1. Star War Hams P.Gill P.Gill 2. P.Gill Star War Hams H.Cherrington 3. Towy Vale Minx Hams Towy Vale R. P.Gill P.Gill P.Gill VHC A.&.G.Rigden P.Gill A.&.G.Rigden HC Star War Hams Star War Hams Towy Vale C Minx Hams Blackberry Stud P.Gill . LH G.CHALLENGE(86) . . 1. Aleppo Hamstery . . 2. Star War Hams . . 3. P.Gill . . R. H.Cherrington . . VHC Towy Vale . . HC P.Gill . . C A.&.G.Rigden . . . . SHORTHAIRED LONGHAIRED . B.I.S. JUNIOR G.Brooks H.Cherrington . B.O.S. JUNIOR Humbug Hams H.Cherrington . BEST MALE Aleppo Hamstery Towy Vale . BEST FEMALE P.Gill Aleppo Hamstery . B.I.S. P.Gill Aleppo Hamstery . RESERVE B.I.S. Aleppo Hamstery Star War Hams . CAMPBELL(31) WINTER WHITE(23) CHINESE(25) 1. Hamper Hams J.Tye & C.Leat Black Country 2. Hamper Hams J.Tye & C.Leat Black Country 3. Wellington Hams Lilliput Hams J.Tye & C.Leat R. Hamper Hams Wellington Hams H.Scott VHC Wellington Hams J.Tye & C.Leat Hamper Hams HC Wellington Hams J.Tye & C.Leat Star War Hams C Wellington Hams Lilliput Hams Star War Hams . NON-STANDARD(37) JUNIOR(10) NOVICE(3) 1. J.Tye & C.Leat Humbug Hams H.Cherrington 2. Wellington Hams L.Cherrington C.Hanby 3. Wellington Hams H.Cherrington C.Hanby R. Greenfield Hams L.Cherrington - VHC Humbug Hams L.Cherrington - HC Wellington Hams Humbug Hams - C Wellington Hams Humbug Hams - . INTERMEDIATE(5) BREEDER(54) FMC(44) 1. L.Cherrington Hamper Hams Hamper Hams 2. L.Cherrington Hamper Hams Hamper Hams 3. L.Cherrington Black Country Black Country R. L.Cherrington Wellington Hams Wellington Hams VHC L.Cherrington Black Country Black Country HC - J.Tye & C.Leat Hamper Hams C - J.Tye & C.Leat Wellington Hams . B.I.S. JUNIOR Humbug Hams . . B.O.S. JUNIOR L.Cherrington . . B.I.S. Hamper Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. Hamper Hams .
More 1999 Hamster Show Results