With an entry of over 150 we had to make a two judge show. The bun fight went down well according to Mr Edge. Thanks to the generous members for the grub.
Thanks to Michele and Mick for judging and all who helped. Also congratulations to all winners.
Judge (SH Syrian) - Mr M Turnidge
Judge (LH Syrian) - Ms M Cooper
. SH GOLDEN SH CREAM SH YELLOW 1. Aleppo Hamstery A.Broadhead Rotherhams 2. Black Country Flattop B.&.M.Hams 3. Black Country Star War Hams Flattop R. Flattop Star War Hams White Rose Hams . SH CINNAMON SH PATTERNED SH AOC 1. Star War Hams B.&.M.Hams Aleppo Hamstery 2. Edge Family White Rose Hams Towy Vale 3. Aleppo Hamstery White Rose Hams Flattop R. Star War Hams A.Broadhead Black Country . SH SATIN SH JUNIOR SH INTERMEDIATE 1. Black Country Cheverton Hams Cheverton Hams 2. Towy Vale B.&.M.Hams B.&.M.Hams 3. Aleppo Hamstery B.&.M.Hams Edge Family R. Cheverton Hams B.&.M.Hams B.&.M.Hams . SH 10-16 WEEKS SH BREEDER SH G.CHALLENGE 1. Star War Hams Black Country Black Country 2. Towy Vale Black Country Aleppo Hamstery 3. Star War Hams Towy Vale Black Country R. Edge Family Towy Vale Flattop . SH NON-STANDARD LH WHITE LHCREAM 1. Flattop Towy Vale Rotherhams 2. Towy Vale B.&.M.Hams Cheverton Hams 3. B.&.M.Hams Rotherhams P.Gill R. B.&.M.Hams Edge Family P.Gill . LH PATTERNED LH AOC LH SATIN 1. Towy Vale P.Gill Star War Hams 2. Towy Vale Star War Hams B.&.M.Hams 3. B.&.M.Hams Amy Liversidge A.Broadhead R. B.&.M.Hams Towy Vale Towy Vale . LH JUNIOR LH INTERMEDIATE LH 10-16 WEEKS 1. Amy Liversidge Cheverton Hams Star War Hams 2. Cheverton Hams B.&.M.Hams White Rose Hams 3. B.&.M.Hams B.&.M.Hams P.Gill R. B.&.M.Hams B.&.M.Hams Star War Hams . LH BREEDER LH G.CHALLENGE . 1. Rotherhams Rotherhams . 2. Towy Vale Towy Vale . 3. P.Gill P.Gill . R. Cheverton Hams Cheverton Hams . . . SHORTHAIRED LONGHAIRED . B.I.S. JUNIOR Dee Jay Hams Amy Liversidge . B.O.S. JUNIOR Dee Jay Hams B.&.M.Hams . B.I.S. Honeywell Hams Rotherhams . B.O.S. Hamper Hams Towy Vale . CHINESE WINTER WHITE CAMPBELL 1. Black Country Honeywell Hams Hamper Hams 2. Dee Jay Hams Honeywell Hams Hamper Hams 3. Hamper Hams Honeywell Hams B.Giles R. Dee Jay Hams Hamper Hams Hamper Hams . CAMPBELL ALB JUNIOR INTERMEDIATE 1. Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams 2. Hamper Hams Dee Jay Hams Dee Jay Hams 3. Amy Liversidge Dee Jay Hams H.Avill R. Amy Liversidge Amy Liversidge Dee Jay Hams . BREEDER G.CHALLENGE NON-STANDARD 1. Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams Hamper Hams 2. Hamper Hams Hamper Hams Hamper Hams 3. Black Country Black Country B.&.M.Hams R. Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams B.Giles . B.I.S. JUNIOR Dee Jay Hams . . B.O.S. JUNIOR Dee Jay Hams . . B.I.S. Honeywell Hams . . B.O.S. Hamper Hams .
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