This was a medium sized show, with 130 Syrians, 30 Dwarfs and 10 Pets. It has been a few years since the Midland Hamster Club last held a show at this venue, so it was nice that so many people exhibited. I would also like to thank Walsall Rabbit Club for offering us their hospitality and space in their tent. There was some concern about the weather; continued rain would have turned the field into a quagmire, but the Sun shone and dried the ground out.
Thanks go to our Dwarf Judge, Sarah Charmley, and her Book Steward, Catherine Groves. They also go to our Syrian Judge, Joanna Roach, and her Book Steward, Emma Sydenham. All these people worked very hard all day and deserve our thanks, as do their pen stewards, Tim Groves, Edward Roberts and Sarah Wynne. Also, well done to the Sales Staff, especially Pete Logsdail, Jenny Rees and Sid Skidmore, and Elaine Skidmore, the Pet Judge.
I would like to thank all these people again, together with all those who helped me struggle through the Show Secretarying. Special thanks go to Chris Logsdail, for her baby sitting role with Catrin Charmley.
Congratulations to Hamper Hams; they took both Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show in the Dwarf Show. The Syrian Best in Show was won by Edward Roberts, (Humbug Hamstery), and Reserve Best in Show by Minx Hamstery.
Well done to all of these people. Finally I would like to congratulate Laura Cherrington, who won Best Pet. Altogether an enjoyable show, and I, for one, look forward to going again next year. Maybe then they'll let me out of the tent ......!
Judge (Syrian) - Mrs Joanna Roach
. SH GOLDEN(12) SH CREAM(11) SH AOC MALE(11) 1. Hedgehog Hams Blackberry Stud Hamper Hams 2. Blackberry Stud Blackberry Stud E.Hornett 3. Greenfield Hams Blackberry Stud Humbug Hams R. Black Country Blackberry Stud P.Gill VHC Black Country F.&.J.Evans P.Gill HC Greenfield Hams Blackberry Stud Star Wars Hams C Minx Hams Blackberry Stud Star Wars Hams . SH AOC FEMALE(8) SH PATTERNED(3) SH SATIN(12) 1. Star Wars Hams Hedgehog Hams Black Country 2. E.Hornett Black Country Greenfield Hams 3. Hamper Hams Greenfield Hams F.&.J.Evans R. Blackberry Stud - Black Country VHC Duncton Hams - Black Country HC E.Hornett - Towy Vale C G.Brooks - F.&.J.Evans . LH WHITE(1) LH CREAM(14) LH AOC MALE(13) 1. Valentine Hams L.Cherrington Greenfield Hams 2. - Towy Vale E.Hornett 3. - Star Wars Hams Greenfield Hams R. - F.&.J.Evans Hamper Hams VHC - P.Gill Towy Vale HC - P.Gill Blackberry Stud C - F.&.J.Evans Towy Vale . LH AOC FEMALE(19) LH PATTERNED(6) LH SATIN(9) 1. Humbug Hams Minx Hams Minx Hams 2. Hedgehog Hams Towy Vale Hedgehog Hams 3. Greenfield Hams Minx Hams Star Wars Hams R. Minx Hams Minx Hams Towy Vale VHC Greenfield Hams Hamper Hams F.&.J.Evans HC Blackberry Stud T.Molloy Duncton Hams C Greenfield Hams - Black Country . JUNIOR(20) NOVICE(6) INTERMEDIATE(19) 1. Humbug Hams T.Molloy E.Hornett 2. L.Cherrington G.Brooks Greenfield Hams 3. F.&.J.Evans L.Cherrington E.Hornett R. F.&.J.Evans T.Molloy Greenfield Hams VHC F.&.J.Evans L.Cherrington E.Hornett HC Humbug Hams L.Cherrington Greenfield Hams C F.&.J.Evans - E.Hornett . BREEDER(81) YOUNG STOCK(44) FMC(64) 1. Humbug Hams Towy Vale Humbug Hams 2. Minx Hams Minx Hams Hamper Hams 3. Towy Vale Star Wars Hams Towy Vale R. Minx Hams Hedgehog Hams Hedgehog Hams VHC Hedgehog Hams Greenfield Hams Hedgehog Hams HC Hedgehog Hams Minx Hams E.Hornett C E.Hornett E.Hornett Black Country . G.CHALLENGE(123) NON-STANDARD(8) PETS(10) 1. Humbug Hams Greenfield Hams L.Cherrington 2. Minx Hams Towy Vale S.Lindon 3. Hamper Hams Greenfield Hams E.Nichols R. L.Cherrington Valentine Hams Gwyneth Brooks VHC Towy Vale Greenfield Hams Gail Brooks HC Minx Hams Greenfield Hams Gwyneth Brooks C Hedgehog Hams Greenfield Hams Gwyneth Brooks . B.I.S. JUNIOR Humbug Hams . . B.O.S. JUNIOR Humbug Hams . . BEST SH MALE Hamper Hams . . BEST SH FEMALE Star Wars Hams . . BEST LH MALE Minx Hams . . BEST LH FEMALE Humbug Hams . . B.I.S. Humbug Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. Minx Hams .
Judge (Dwarf) - Mrs S Charmley
. CAMPBELL(5) WINTER WHITE(9) CHINESE(7) 1. Hamper Hams Hamper Hams T.Stokes 2. Hamper Hams Star Wars Hams T.Stokes 3. Greenfield Hams Star Wars Hams Black Country R. Hamper Hams L.Cherrington Hamper Hams VHC Hamper Hams Duncton Hams Star Wars Hams HC - Hamper Hams Greenfield Hams C - L.Cherrington Star Wars Hams . NON-STANDARD(9) JUNIOR(2) NOVICE(2) 1. Hamper Hams L.Cherrington L.Cherrington 2. Humbug Hams L.Cherrington L.Cherrington 3. Hamper Hams - - R. Duncton Hams - - VHC Towy Vale - - HC Towy Vale - - C Greenfield Hams - - . INTERMEDIATE(6) BREEDER(7) FMC(9) 1. Greenfield Hams Hamper Hams Hamper Hams 2. T.Stokes Hamper Hams Hamper Hams 3. T.Stokes Black Country Hamper Hams R. Greenfield Hams Duncton Hams Hamper Hams VHC Greenfield Hams Hamper Hams Hamper Hams HC Greenfield Hams Star Wars Hams Black Country C - Star Wars Hams Duncton Hams . G.CHALLENGE(21) . . 1. Hamper Hams . . 2. Hamper Hams . . 3. Greenfield Hams . . R. T.Stokes . . VHC Hamper Hams . . HC Hamper Hams . . C Hamper Hams . . . B.I.S.JUNIOR L.Cherrington . . B.I.S. Hamper Hams . . RESERVE B.I.S. Hamper Hams .
More 1999 Hamster Show Results