Living Heritage kindly provide us with a Marque in which we hold our display. 2016 sees our 25th year with them, starting at Blenheim Palace in August 1991.
Come and see and stroke the hamsters in their own Marquee. We have various hamsters on display to show you what colours and types of Hamster are now available. Not only can you get FREE information leaflets about all aspects of keeping a hamster but there are many hamster club members who will answer your questions or give advice.
Many of these experts have been keeping hamsters for over 20 years and are regular exhibitors at Hamster Shows.
Also in the Marquee are display boards with photos of many of the more unusual colours and types of hamster, photos of babies hamsters from 1 to 37 days old, photos taken by our members of hamsters (both babies and adults) in all sorts of situations and poses.
If you are interested in acquiring a “pedigree” hamster these are the people to ask.